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Mawson Green at meadows is a beautifully designed masterplanned community from Devine. To stay up to date with the latest news and event information, browse our articles below or contact us today to find out more.

NBN Service Ready for Harewood Release

Thursday 04 June 2015
The Harewood Release (Stage 2) at Mawson Green now has National Broadband Network (NBN) service connected.
Residents can contact their preferred Retail Service Provider (RSP) or alternatively visit the NBN website (http://www.nbnco.com.au/connect-home-or-business/check-your-address.html) to view a list of available RSPs and a link to their contact details and website for plans and pricing.
Once an RSP has placed an order, an appointment will be made for NBN to install the internal end user equipment (NTD) to complete the installation process.  (Please note – some RSP’s may also book an additional appointment to install their own router / wireless equipment).
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